Evaluation of trampling resistance of two superior cultivars of warm-season turfgrasses
Graphical Abstract
In this study, the wear tolerance of eight Bermudagrass and four zoysiagrass cultivars were evaluated with an imitated trampling method. The results showed that the growth characteristics of all the tested materials were influenced significantly (P<0.05). After trampling, the leaf width, leaf thickness, turf density, ground cover, uniformity, and leaf color of all the samples decreased, while the bounce rate increased. Trampling treatment for one to two months had little effect on the upright growth of the test material, and the turf height decreased significantly after three months. There were significant differences in the resistance to trampling of different materials. Among eight Bermudangrass cultivars, the turf quality of the Yangjiang Bermudagrass and C29100M1 were significantly better than those of other materials under short-term trampling conditions, while the Suzhi No.2 hybrid Bermudagrass was most valuable in terms of long-term trampling under processing. Among four zoysiagrass cultivars, Suzhi No.1 hybrid zoysiagrass had the highest comprehensive turf quality as a sport turfgrass. The results of this study will provide a basis for the exploitation and application of these tested turfgrass cultivars