Observations on spike differentiation of Kengyilia thoroldiana
The spike differentiation process of Kengyilia thoroldiana was observed by microdissection from Sep. 2011 to May, 2002. The results indicated that the spike differentiation of K.thoroldiana was a consecutive process and presented a series of significant changes in morphological characteristics. Based on the method of .М.КуПЕРМАН, this consecutive process could be divided into 8 stages: primary growth stage, elongation stage, single ridge stage, spikelet protuberances stage, glume protuberances stage, floret differentiation stage, gynoecium, stamen initiation stage and heading stage. During the process of differentiation, on the whole spike, the middle and upper parts of the spikelet developed first, and then gradually upward and downward in turn. finally, the basal spikelet developed. Flowering began from the top of the spikes, and then continued downward. On the single spikelet, the base part of the floret developed first, then developed from base to top gradually.