Effects of livestock excreta on herbage seed dispersal and germination
Zhang Jing, Chen Xian-jiang, Hou Fu-jiang
State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-Ecosystems, Key Laboratory of Grassland Livestock Industry Innovation,Ministry of Agriculture, China, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, Gansu, China
Grazing regulation of forage impacts forage consumption, growth, reproduction, seed production, dispersal, and germination. Dispersal of seeds through livestock excrement was one of the important means of seeds transport. While excreta from livestock can promote long-distance dispersal and seed germination, it can also damage the seeds, and affect germination. Therefore, we studied the effects of excreta on plant reproduction, propagation and germination of herbage seed. Our results show that livestock excreta served as a natural and effective means of herbage seed dispersal and regeneration. Livestock excreta increased seed production in herbage, improved likelihood of feeding, increased dispersal distance and also expanded the forage habitat. Through improved understanding of the role of excreta in herbage seed dispersal and germination it is possible to explore new approaches that may provide a theoretical framework to minimize grassland degradation and propose solutions for restoration of grasslands.
grazing; grassland; sexual reproduction; alimentary canal; seed dispersal; soil
表2 家畜影响种子的因素Table 2 Seed factors and influence on livestock biology
种子特征 Seed characteristic
对种子的影响 Effect on seed
参考文献 Reference
种子形状 Seed shape
圆形种子较其它形状通过消化速率快, 易于出现在排泄物中 Round seed compared to other shapes are digested faster, and appear quickly in excreta
种皮特性 Seedcoat features
软种皮易受消化道迫害, 而种皮密度大则存活率高, 且能破除硬实、提高发芽力 Soft testa susceptible to conditions in the digestive tract, seeds with thicker testa survive longer, and retain germination capacity.
[45, 48, 51-54]
种子寿命 Seed longevity
影响细胞壁形态, 长寿命种子发芽率较高 Influence the cytoderm morphology, and has durability and high seed germination rate
[39, 43, 49]
表2 家畜影响种子的因素Table 2 Seed factors and influence on livestock biology
图2 排泄物对种子传播与萌发的作用注:①增加排泄物分布; ②经过在家畜消化道内随家畜运动并通过粪排泄物, 达到传播的目的; ③排泄物的包裹和覆盖能改变萌发环境, 促进或抑制萌发; ④排泄物含有丰富的养分, 能促进牧草的生长与发育; ⑤随着排泄物的分解, 养分进入土壤, 改变土壤理化性质; ⑥养分充足的土壤条件, 能促进牧草的生长; ⑦牧草的生殖发育, 影响种子的形成及质量; ⑧土壤pH、营养元素能作用于种子, 影响萌发率; ⑨通过消化道及其它方式传播种子的过程中, 种子受到外部条件作用而影响种子的萌发率。Fig. 2 Effect of feces in seed dispersal and germinationNote: ①Increase excreta distribution; ②Through excreta excretion by livestock in the digestive tract with the livestock movement, to achieve the purpose of dispersal; ③With the excreta wrapped or coverage, it can change seed germination environment to promote or inhibit germination; ④Excreta is rich in nutrients, which can promote the growth and development of forage; ⑤With the decomposition of excreta, the nutrients into the soil and changing the physical and chemical properties of soil; ⑥The nutrient-rich soil conditions can promote the growth of forage; ⑦The reproductive development of forage can affecting seed formation and quality; ⑧The soil pH and nutrient elements can act on the seeds to affecting the germination rate; ⑨In the process of dispersal seeds in the digestive tract and other ways, the seeds are affected by external conditions and affected the seed germination rate.
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Schupp EW, JordanoP, Gómez JM. Seed dispersal effectiveness revisited: A conceptual review. New Phytologist, 2010, 188(2): 333-353. [本文引用:1]
李宁, 钟明, 冷欣, 万安, 方淑波, 安树青. 食果动物传播植物种子的有效性. 生态学杂志, 2015, 34(7): 2041-2047. LiN, ZhongM, LengX, WanA, Fang SB, An SQ. Seed dispersal effectiveness of plant by frugivores: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2015, 34(7): 2041-2047. (in Chinese)[本文引用:1]
... 牧草的更新方式通常有无性和有性繁殖两种,Nathan和Muller将有性繁殖的时空模型归纳为植株、种子生产、短暂土壤种子库(transient soil seed bank)、持久种子库(persistent soil seed bank or permanent soil seed bank)和幼苗5个时期,种子生产、散布形式及种子域的形式(包含距离、方向的分布和贮藏种子的群集等)是核心[1] ...
何奕忻, 孙庚, 罗鹏, 吴宁. 牲畜粪便对草地生态系统影响的研究进展. 生态学杂志, 2009, 28(2): 322-328. He YX, SunG, LuoP, WuN. Effects of dung deposition on grassland ecosystem: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2009, 28(2): 322-328. (in Chinese)
张学勇, 杨允菲, 乔娜, 杨骁婧. 草食动物对结缕草种子散布及发芽力的影响. 生态学杂志, 2007, 26(9): 1491-1494. Zhang XY, Yang YF, QiaoN, Yang XJ. Effects of herbivoreson dispersal and germination capacity of Zoysia japonica seeds. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2007, 26(9): 1491-1494. (in Chinese)
景媛媛, 徐长林, 陈陆军, 鱼小军, 杨海磊, 张建文, 肖红. 高寒草甸冷季牧场牦牛和藏羊粪中植物种子密度和多样性. 生态学杂志, 2014, 33(10): 2603-2609. Jing YY, Xu CL, Chen LJ, Yu XJ, Yang HL, Zhang JW, XiaoH. Density and diversity of plant seeds in yak and sheep dung in cold season pasture of alpine meadow. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2014, 33(10): 2603-2609. (in Chinese)
In order to identify the features of plant seeds in dung of yak and Tibetan sheep grazing at different grazing stages of winter pasture (alpine meadow) on Eastern Qilian Mountain, the number of species, the seed diversity index, the seed number and density were studied. The results showed that in the same grazing stage, the number of seed species in yak dung was higher than in Tibetan sheep dung. The seed density in yak dung was lower than in the Tibetan sheep dung, but the difference was significant only at the middle grazing stage. At the initial and final grazing stages, the seed diversity index in yak dung was significantly higher than that in Tibetan sheep dung. The seed species number and seed density (grains·kg -1 ) in yak dung at the different grazing stages were both in order of final grazing stage > initial grazing stage > middle grazing stage, and those in Tibetan sheep dung were in order of initial grazing stage > final grazing stage > middle grazing stage and of middle grazing stage > final grazing stage > initial grazing stage, respectively. The seed number of sedge was the highest in yak dung, while the seed number of forbs was the highest in Tibetan sheep dung. The different conditions of winter pasture at the different grazing stages made the seed distribution different in each synusia of plant community, together with the differences in grazing habit, forage intake per bite and digestibility of yak and Tibetan sheep, causing the differences in seed density, seed species and seed diversity of their dung.
姜世成, 周道玮. 牛粪堆积对草地影响的研究. 草业学报, 2006, 15(4): 30-35. Jiang SC, Zhou DW. The impact of cattle dung deposition on grassland s in the Songnen Grassland . Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2006, 15(4): 30-35. (in Chinese)
孙红, 于应文, 马向丽, 牟晓明, 张红梅, 廖加法, 侯扶江. 畜粪沉积对贵州高原黑麦草+白三叶草地养分和植被构成的影响. 草业科学, 2014, 31(3): 488-498. SunH, Yu YW, Ma XL, Mou XM, Zhang HM, Liao JF, Hou FJ. Effect of animal dung deposition on grassland nutrients and botanical composition in mixed Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens pasture in Guizhou plateau. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31(3): 488-498. (in Chinese)
The mineral elements of soils and herbages, nutritional values, botanical composition and herbage defoliation in dung deposition and control plots in mixed Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens pasture in Guizhou plateau were quantitatively monitored and systemically analyzed in August 2011. The results indicated that the difference of mineral elements contents between soils and herbages was great and varied with different elements and excretion types. The dung deposition of grazing animals decreased or eliminated the positive correlation between soils and herbage in Na, K, and Mn contents, whereas the dung deposition promoted positive correlation between soils and herbage in Cu and Zn contents. The effects of grazing animal dung deposition on botanical composition of grassland in plant population and community levels varied with patch types and different decomposing stages. Grazing animals dung deposition could promote tiller and growth of L.perenne of D.glomerata , inhibit growth of T.repens , increase height and biomass of herbage and reproductive shoots of L.perenne , and decrease the nutritional values of herbages. The effect of cow dung on botanical composition was more obvious than that of sheep dung. The defoliation of grazing animals for L. perenne and D.glomerata in dung deposition plots was lower than that in controls. The rejected defoliation level of cow in dung deposition plots was higher than that of sheep. The results suggested that the mixed grazing with sheep and cattle could reduce the herbage waste in dung deposition sites and improve the utilization rate of grassland in grassland practical management.
王兴, 宋乃平, 杨新国, 肖绪培, 杨明秀. 羊粪归还对荒漠草原表层土壤碳氮的影响. 水土保持通报, 2013, 33(5): 6-10. WangX, Song NP, Yang XG, Xiao XP, Yang MX. Effect of sheep dung return on surface soil organic carbon and total nitrogen contents in deserted grassland . Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2013, 33(5): 6-10. (in Chinese)
川西北高寒草甸是我国四大牧区之一,也是"长江上游生态屏障"建设的重要"生态功能区"之一.近年来牦牛粪便被大量出售,显著地改变了生态系统的养分循环.通过模拟牛粪堆积,研究了牦牛粪便养分释放及其对周围土壤养分(NO_3~--N、NH_4~+-N、速效K、无机P、有机C、全N和全P)在不同时间和距离条件下的影响.结果表明,在研究区域内,牛粪对草地生态系统具有较强的养分(N、P)贡献能力,据初步统计,其值大致为N素699~932 kg hm~(-2),P素为110~147 kg hm~(-2);牛粪养分在夏季具有较快的分解速率,在3 mo左右之后基本分解殆尽;粪便在短期内能显著提高粪下土壤养分的含量,其中,对NO_3~--N含量的提高最为明显,在2 mo左右之后其含量达到初始态的8.4倍,在实验后期,粪便对土壤养分的影响作用逐渐消失;粪便在夏季对周围10 cm内土壤的养分(NO_3~--N、NH_4~+N、速效K和无机P)含量能产生显著影响(P Abstract: The decomposition of yak dung and its effect on soil nutrition of grassland in northwestern Sichuan, China were investigated. Soil samples were taken around (10 cm and 30 cm radius from center) dung piles on five occasions over a period of 84 days in summer. The samples were analyzed for NO_3~--N, NH_4~(+)-N, available K, inorganic P, total organic C (TOC), total N (TN) and total P (TP). The result showed that yak dung supplied the ecosystem there with substantial nutrients. It was estimated that the N contribution from dung was approximately 699~932 kg hm~(-2) and P. about 110~147 kg hm~(-2). The total quantities of NO_3~--N, NH_4~(+)-N, available K and inorganic P from the initial dung largely decreased to almost none after 84 days. In the initial days (1~9 d), NO_3~--N, NH_4~(+)-N, available K and inorganic P in sioi under the dung piles were found with a significant increase, and after two months the content of NO_3~--N was 8.4 times larger than that in the initial days. The contents of NH_4~(+)-N, available K and inorganic P at place 10 cm from the edge of dung piles increased significantly (P 0.05) at 30 cm. Differing from the common belief, no obvious increases in TOC, TN and TP were observed in the whole experiment process. Fig 4, Tab 1, Ref 31
赵宏魁, 马真, 张春辉, 雷占兰, 姚步青, 周华坤. 种子密度和施氮水平对燕麦生物量分配的影响. 草业科学, 2016, 33(2): 249-258. Zhao HK, MaZ, Zhang CH, Lei ZL, Yao BQ, Zhou HK. The reproductive allocation of Avena sativa under different planting densities and nitrogen addition treatment. Pratacultural Science, 2016, 33(2): 249-258. (in Chinese)
孙铁军. 施肥对禾本科牧草种子产量形成及种子发育过程中生理生化特性的影响. 北京: 中国农业大学博士学位论文, 2004. Sun TJ. Effects of fertilizer application on seed yield formation and seed physiological and biochemical characters during the seed development of grasses. PhD Thesis. Beijing: China Agricultural University, 2004. (in Chinese)
闵星星. 羊粪对青海草地早熟禾生长及草地土壤的影响. 西宁: 青海大学硕士学位论文, 2014. Min XX. Effect of sheep manure on growth of Poa pratensis L. cv. Qinghai and soil of grassland . Master Thesis. Xining: Qinghai University, 2014.
姜世成, 周道玮. 草原牛粪对牲畜取食影响的研究. 中国草地, 2002, 24(1): 41-45. Jing SC, Zhou DW. Effect of cattle dung on the grazing behaviour of livestock in songnen grassland . Grassland of China, 2002, 24(1): 41-45. (in Chinese)
万娟娟, 杨洁晶, 任爱天, 马春晖, 于磊, 鲁为华. 草食动物影响植物种子萌发的整合分析. 草业科学, 2013, 30(10): 1852-1861. Wan JJ, Yang JJ, Ren AT, Ma CH, YuL, Lu WH. Effect of herbivores on seed germination by meta analysis. Pratacultural Science, 2013, 30(10): 1852-1861. (in Chinese)
After Janzen proposed “Double F Hypothesis”, the endozoochorous of herbivores on plant seeds was widely accepted and a lot of related researches have been done. Meanwhile, question of if there is co-evolution between plants and herbivores, and a lots of debates also generated. Researches related to endozoochorous of herbivores on plant seeds were collected and secondary analyzed using meta-analysis method and PIC technology. The results showed that: 1) Responses of seeds to effects of digestive tract was determined by genetic relationships of species. Most plant performed the closer their genetic relationships, the more similar their responses. There are still some plants which have close genetic relationships but no convergence on their responses. 2) Seeds of the same species which were digested by different herbivores had different germination rates. This mainly because different herbivores have different digestive tract structures and internal environments, and then the time what seeds stay in digestive tract is differed. Finally, germination rates of these seeds are varied.
闫瑞瑞, 卫智军, 辛晓平, 刘红梅, 杨静, 乌仁其其格. 放牧制度对荒漠草原可萌发土壤种子库的影响. 中国沙漠, 2011, 31(5): 703-708. Yan RR, Wei ZJ, Xin XP, Liu HM, YangJ, Wurenqiqige. Effects of grazing systems on germinable soil seed bank of desert steppe. Journal of Desert Research, 2011, 31(5): 703-708. (in Chinese)
We studied the soil seed bank of Stipa breviflora desert steppe at three sites with different grazing systems, namely a continuously grazed area, a rotationally grazed area including eight rotational paddock, and an enclosed area which had been enclosed since 1999. The germinable seed bank species in the rotationally grazed area, the continuously grazed area and the enclosed area were 11, 9 and 8 species respectively. Rotational grazing increased germinable seed bank plant species of grassland community and perennial grasses. The density of soil seed bank per square meter at the enclosed area (19 533.33±10 552.83 seeds·m-2) was significantly higher than those at the rotationally grazed area (3 233.33±524.21 seeds·m-2) and at the continuously grazed area (2 553.60±2 152.48 seeds·m-2), but the difference between the rotationally grazed area and the continuously grazed area was not significant. The vertical distribution of germinable soil seed bank at different areas had a same tendency, and 75.06%~83.19% of seed was distributed in the soil horizon of 0~5 cm, 14.16%~21.68% was distributed in the soil horizon of 5~10 cm, 0~6.10% was distributed in the soil horizon of 10~15 cm. The density of germinable soil seed bank at each soil horizon in enclosed area was significantly higher than those in rotationally and continuously grazed area, but there was not significant difference between the rotationally grazed area and the continuously grazed area. Margalef index and Shannon-Wiener index of germinable soil seed bank in rotationally grazed area were higher than that in continuously grazed area. The Sorensen's similarity index of germinable soil seed bank between the enclosed area and the rotationally grazing area was the highest, which was 0.857.
沈艳, 刘彩凤, 马红彬, 赵菲, 谢应忠. 荒漠草原土壤种子库对草地管理方式的响应. 生态学报, 2015, 35(14): 4725-4732. ShenY, Liu CF, Ma HB, ZhaoF, Xie YZ. Response of a soil seed bank to modes of grassland management on a desert steppe. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015, 35(14): 4725-4732. (in Chinese)
We examined the composition of a soil seed bank in a desert steppe ecosystem under different modes of grassland management. The study was conducted on the desert steppe in the middle of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR), in northern China. We collected soil seed bank samples in late March 2012, along a gradient of grazing intensities that encompassed 8 distinct treatments: no grazing in enclosures (after a duration of 1, 3, 5 and 7 years); grazing (free range at a medium intensity, and four areas of rotational grazing at a medium intensity), replanting (with Astragalus adsurgen and Alfalfa stiva, in 2006) and open grazing. Following the method of greenhouse germination, soil samples were collected, planted, and left to sprout. The species composition and abundance of the resulting plants were determined, and characteristics of the soil seed bank such as the similarity of soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation, diversity of soil seed bank were also studied. The results were as follows. 1) In total, we recorded 26 plant species belonging to 6 families and 14 genera. Lespedeza potanimii was the only subshrub, while all other species observed were herbaceous plants. The main species in the seed bank of the desert steppe soil were perennial plants, accounting for 65.3%, while 35.7% of plants were annuals. The number of seeds decreased as enclosure time increased, and was highest in the soil from the one-year enclosure and grasslands with no enclosure. 2) We found 2-6 common species in the seed bank compared to what was growing what above ground in all treatments. Long-term enclosure of the steppe grassland may lead to a decline in similarity between the soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation, as the number of species shared between the seed bank and above-ground plant community decreased with as enclosure time increased. In the free range treatment, there was a lower number of shared species. The species which had been replanted to restore the desert steppe did not appear in the seed bank. 3) There was no significant relationship between soil seed bank diversity and management modes. The highest species diversity was measured in the four-area rotation grassland, while the lowest was in the grassland enclosed for 7 years. The highest species richness was found in the one-year enclosure. The highest evenness index was in the free grazing grassland, and the lowest was in the replanted grassland. Seed banks play a central role in the regeneration of vegetation, and managers can rely on soil-stored seed banks for restoration of desert steppe with appropriate grazing disturbance, more so than long-time enclosures. Alien species that were replanted did not benefit seed banks, and the establishment of introduced species may have restricted the germination of certain indigenous pioneer species.
尚占环, 龙瑞军, 马玉涛, 张黎敏, 施建军, 丁玲玲. 黄河源区退化高寒草地土壤种子库: 种子萌发的数量和动态. 应用与环境生物学报, 2006, 12(3): 313-317. Shang ZH, Long RJ, Ma YT, Zhang LM, Shi JJ, Ding LL. Soil seed banks of degraded alpine grassland in headwater region of the Yellow River: Quantities and dynamics of seed germination. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology, 2006, 12(3): 313-317. (in Chinese)
宋红丽, 孙志高, 孙景宽, 牟晓杰, 姜欢欢, 孙文广. 氮、磷输入对黄河口潮滩湿地不同生境下碱蓬种子萌发与幼苗生长的影响. 草业学报, 2012, 21(6): 30-41. Song HL, Sun ZG, Sun JK, Mou XJ, Jiang HH, Sun WG. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on seed germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa under different growth conditions of the Yellow River Estuary. Acta Prataculture Sinica, 2012, 21(6): 30-41. (in Chinese)
贺晓, 李青丰, 赵明旭, 姜凤河. 施肥对牧草种子萌发性能的影响. 草地学报, 2003, 11(2): 159-162. HeX, Li QF, Zhao MX, Jiang FH. Effects of fertilizer applications on the seed germination of Elymus sibiricus and Agropyron desertorum. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2003, 11(2): 159-162. (in Chinese)
Experiments of applying N、P、K,separately or mixedly, or employing N, or spraying trace elements B、Zn、Mo at various stages of growth at the seed plots of Elymus sibiricus and Agropyron desertorum cv. Nordan had been conducted. The results show that separately or mixedly applying N、P、K to both seed plots did not significantly raise the seed germination rate or speed of either. Application of N at Elymus sibiricus plants’ heading stage enhanced their seed germination rate and speed, though not so to the heading stage of Agropyron desertorum cv. Novdan. Spraying of 0.05% concentration of Mn on Elymus sibiricus seed plot evidently decreased its seed germination rate and speed, but positively raised those of Agropyron desertorum cv. Nordan. Spraying of trace elements like B?Zn?Mo did not distinctly augment the seed germination rate or speed of either species.
马红媛, 梁正伟. 不同pH值土壤及其浸提液对羊草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响. 植物学通报, 2007, 24(2): 181-188. Ma HY, Liang ZW. Effects of different soil pH and soil extracts on the germination and seedling growth of Leymus chinensis. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2007, 24(2): 181-188. (in Chinese)
李宁, 钟明, 冷欣, 万安, 方淑波, 安树青. 食果动物传播植物种子的有效性. 生态学杂志, 2015, 34(7): 2041-2047. LiN, ZhongM, LengX, WanA, Fang SB, An SQ. Seed dispersal effectiveness of plant by frugivores: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2015, 34(7): 2041-2047. (in Chinese)
Seed dispersal effectiveness is an important issue for quantifying the contribution of frugivores to plant regeneration, which shapes the persistence of plant population and maintains biodiversity of community. This paper summarized the affecting factors for dispersal effectiveness from two parts: seed dispersal quantity and seed dispersal quality. It also analyzed the effects of effective disperser assemblage on plant regeneration. Seed dispersal quantity is affected by the foraging behavior of frugivores. The animal that has a swallowing foodtreating behavior is recognized as the effective disperser. Moreover, the fruit preferred by frugivores always causes the plant to get a higher dispersal quantity. The part of seed dispersal quality could be shaped by gut passage time, seed dispersal distance and seed deposition sites of frugivores. Frugivores with large body size, high ability in habitat adaptation and migration are always recognized to be highquality dispersers because of their longer dispersal distance for plant recruitment. Moreover, the postforaging habitat selection by frugivores could determine the seed deposition sites thus affecting their dispersal quality. A highquality disperser always uses the recruitment site of plants thus deposits most seeds into the recruitment site. Different, effective dispersers show complementary roles in plant recruitment on both dispersal quantity and quality. Future researches addressing how to incorporate field monitoring of animal behavior and experiment of seed germination or to combine multiple postforaging behaviors of animals are needed to investigate seed dispersal effectiveness. Moreover, exploring seed dispersal effectiveness of the endangered and endemic plants in China should be given great consideration in the study of restoration ecology.