Switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum) is one of the important energy grasses, and the drought resistance of its seedling stage plays a key role in growth under arid and semi-arid conditions. Therefore, selecting switchgrass genotypes with good drought tolerance in the seedling stage is important. In greenhouse experiments, we tested eight physiological indicators related to drought resistance, including superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activity, free proline, soluble protein, soluble sugar and leaf water content, relative electrical conductivity, and malondialdehyde levels. In addition, we evaluated the drought resistance of eight switchgrass varieties chosen from American gene bank by subordinative function value analysis. The results showed that the eight accessions compared differed significantly in drought resistance at seeding stage. The drought resistance ranking was as follows: Shawnee>Cave-in-Rock>Blackwell>BN-309-69>Trailblazer>Carthage>TEM-SLC>Grenville. The results provided a theoretical basis for developing switchgrass breeding programmes aiming to improve drought resistance, and valuable information for planting switchgrass varieties in marginal lands.
表2 柳枝稷在干旱胁迫下主要渗透调节物质和抗氧化酶活性的影响Table 2 Effect of drought treatment on osmoprotectants and antioxidases of Panicum virgatum
材料 Accession
处理 Treatment
超氧化物歧化酶 Superoxide dismutase/ U· (min· g)-1
过氧化物酶 Peroxidase/ U· (min· g)-1
游离脯氨酸 Free proline/ μ g· g-1
可溶性蛋白 Soluble protein/ mg· g-1
可溶性糖 Soluble sugar/ mg· g-1
丙二醛 Malondialdehyde/ μ g· g-1
50.28± 4.02b
38.26± 2.30b
137.24± 9.61b
46.65± 3.22b
0.37± 0.03b
0.12± 0.00b
92.96± 6.51a
61.54± 4.31a
235.94± 18.86a
74.87± 4.97a
0.64± 0.03a
0.20± 0.00a
57.12± 4.57b
71.25± 5.70b
75.33± 5.27b
40.11± 2.97b
0.39± 0.03b
0.18± 0.00b
89.26± 5.36a
130.23± 7.81a
115.69± 6.94a
62.74± 4.30a
0.73± 0.05a
0.30± 0.01a
53.27± 3.73b
143.82± 11.51b
63.82± 5.10b
34.63± 2.53b
0.21± 0.02b
0.12± 0.00b
62.22± 3.73a
273.65± 19.16a
103.87± 7.27a
43.58± 3.44a
0.41± 0.01a
0.18± 0.01a
39.54± 2.77b
83.55± 6.684b
97.53± 5.85b
54.86± 3.84b
0.38± 0.03b
0.07± 0.00b
63.81± 3.83a
143.97± 10.08a
164.72± 13.18a
67.21± 3.31a
0.72± 0.01a
0.11± 0.01a
29.31± 2.05b
203.52± 16.28b
143.59± 8.62b
25.27± 1.77b
0.13± 0.01b
0.19± 0.01b
46.58± 2.79a
333.58± 23.35a
241.44± 14.49a
40.36± 4.06a
0.25± 0.01a
0.25± 0.01a
69.98± 4.90b
123.59± 9.89b
113.35± 7.93b
19.92± 1.59b
0.41± 0.03b
0.12± 0.01b
89.39± 5.36a
194.83± 15.59a
193.17± 11.59a
31.65± 4.8a
0.52± 0.01a
0.21± 0.01a
74.15± 5.19b
263.32± 21.04b
86.53± 4.33b
29.55± 2.36b
0.44± 0.03b
0.04± 0.00b
89.23± 5.35a
432.11± 30.25a
147.96± 11.84a
48.34± 4.25a
0.84± 0.01a
0.06± 0.00a
41.32± 2.48b
135.78± 12.30b
132.57± 7.95b
40.70± 2.93b
0.12± 0.01b
0.0± 0.006b
61.33± 3.68a
253.82± 17.77a
143.15± 7.16a
54.13± 4.26a
0.20± 0.03a
0.10± 0.01a
Notes: MS and CK indicate drought treatment group and control group, respectively. Different lowercase letters for the same column indicate significant difference of the same parameter between two treatments at the 0.05 level. All indicators are the average of five observations.
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